With over 680,000 video views in just a week, before the full-blown media campaign, 
Singapore’s new food labels became the nation’s biggest social media stars. 
It also stroked up demand for these newly-acclaimed food items.
In the age of information and misinformation, personality often speaks louder than prose – 
and emotion sweeter than facts. If only our vegetables, fish and eggs could talk.

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) wants to promote and increase 
the demand and consumption for Singapore’s local produce. 

Currently, Singapore imports over 90% of our food from over 170 countries and regions, 
a strategy that has sustained us over the years, but maybe inadequate with the threat 
of climate change and other challenges such as disease outbreaks like COVID-19. 

This campaign is driving towards our ’30 by 30’ goal – to produce 30% of our nutritional 
needs on local soil by 2030, and the spark of a nationwide movement. As demand for local produce 
rises, local farmers will be incentivised to increase production and broaden choices.

SFA has created a series of badges to help consumers identify local produce 
in all the various markets and wholesalers. They have developed 3 badges with various 
certifications to classify local produce, so everyone can identify local produce 
and support this initiative because local produce is fresher.

Creative solution:

Most of us are familiar with Mediacorp’s annual Star Awards. 
What if we create an award show for our star-quality local produce
to cast a spotlight on their exemplary qualities? 

In this direction, we’ll play up these attributes by personifying local produce as endearing characters 
who will help to educate our audience that only the best comes with an SFA badge.


Meet our star-quality produce. They’re about to be awarded for being Singapore’s best.

My role was the main art director for this entire campaign from pitch start to roll out. 
I was also pivotal in the design of the characters, and crafting from the metaphor 
of them being "starry-eyed" being our main stars. Adopting a non-linear storytelling style 
for the 15-sec teaser, we managed to showcase local produce as the stars that they are. 


Launch 15 Teaser Trailer
Main Film: The Food Star Awards
Spotlight Video: Seabasstian Water
Spotlight Video: Caixinderella
Spotlight Video: Eggs Benedette C

Print Ads
Character Design: 1-Star Badge
Seabasstian Water
Character Design: 2-Star Badge
Eggs Benedette C
Character Design: 3-Star Badge
F&B Logo & C.I Guide
I designed the main logo for local F&B outlets to show their support for local produce.
Because the Best comes with a Badge.
Creative Directors: Jeff Cheong, Benson Toh, Louis Ang
Art direction: Louis Ang, Jaz Loh, Tim Chua, Amos
Copywriters: Chun Sim, Leon Wong, Tytan Chang, Crystal Chin
Production house: Crave FX
Music & Audio: The Gunnery
Producer: Karen Leong


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