One of my first regional campaigns. My role was art director creating the art direction for the key print layouts OOH and the magnetic clinging droplets.
The Brief:
As the word Magnatec hints at, this oil actually clings like a magnet, helping protect your engine. People weren't aware of this benefit, however, so I had to create a fully integrated campaign throughout Australian and Asian markets.
As the word Magnatec hints at, this oil actually clings like a magnet, helping protect your engine. People weren't aware of this benefit, however, so I had to create a fully integrated campaign throughout Australian and Asian markets.
The Idea:
To demonstrate how Magnatec clings like nothing else can, I had the idea to turn an engine into a mechanical rodeo and challenge an expert at clinging - a rodeo champion - to hang on! And of course, we'd let the public try it too...

Chief Creative Officer: Steve Back
Executive Creative Director: Richard Copping
Senior Team: Anthony Tham, Jaz Loh
Art Director: Jules Kim